Vojtěch Šimetka

Software Engineer | Volunteer

About Me

I help my clients to deliver software solutions by understanding customer's needs, streamlining development processes and guiding teams. I am:

Software Engineer

This is what I love to do the most. I have been building software solutions for more than 10 years. My area of expertise spawns from Blockchain Technology, Fullstack development to Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence.


I strongly believe in the power individuals have to make a positive impact in the world and society. Let's change the world together join our Blockchain 4 Humanity initiative or become a part of #coalition4GOOD.

Blockchain Expert

I have been very active in the blockchain space since 2017 developing a number of solutions on Ethereum blockchain. Do you want to learn or need help? Contact me.

Public Speaker

I always wanted to be a teacher. Speaking gives me the opportunity to pass what I've learned to others. Let it be developers learning how to build blockchain based solutions, experts on social impact who want to learn about blockchain technology use-cases or high school students interested in what it is like to be an entrepreneur. Do you have an audience that would benefit from one of these topics?

Digital Nomad

I don't have a permanent home which allows me to explore the world, get to know new people and cultures and be where I need to be when I need to be there. Send me your favourite place.


Come and meet me in one of these events or invite me to yours.

Curriculum Vitae

Work Experience

RIF OSProduct Owner
4/2019 - 8/2020Gibraltar, GI

Leading development of two decentralised blockchain services RIF Storage and RIF Communication.

  • Leading teams of developers & researchers
  • Setting up development and deployment processes, reviewing PRs, managing Github
  • Making sure the solution developed fulfils the needs of partners & end-users
  • External and internal communication about the progress of the team
  • Representing RIF & RSK in conferences
GivethCo-founder, Product Owner
10/2017 - 12/2018World, Earth

Leading development of the Giveth Decentralised Application which uses Ethereum blockchain to bring transparency and accountability to charitable giving.

  • Leading team of 3 developers and a number of contributors
  • Setting up development and deployment processes, reviewing PRs, managing Github
  • Keeping the organisation's budget, applying for grants and financing
  • Representing Giveth in conferences
CERNSoftware Developer
10/2015 - 9/2017Geneva, CH

Member of a configuration and layout section helping to create and maintain documentation in the form of pictures and drawings for all current machines.

  • Specifying, designing, developing and maintaining system for 360° panoramic images to reduce radiation exposure (Java, Spring, HTML, Javascript, Oracle DB)
  • Capturing images in the supervised and controlled radiation areas, processing, stitching and uploading to a DB system (Lightroom, Photoshop, Kolor Autopano)
  • Adapting system for production of layout drawings to needs of LHC, designing version control schema and providing support (VBA, Git)
  • Generating LHC layout drawings (VBA, CATIA, SmarTeam, Oracle DB)
  • Day-to-day support and cooperation with different sections in CERN
INGEIT Consultant
7/2012 - 9/2015Opava, CZ

External consultant inspecting the IT system and processes while obtaining a university degree.

  • Designing and creating interactive product catalogue for iPad (iBooks Author)
  • Auditing IT systems and processes
  • Analyzing needs and creating specification for new website
  • Developing internal product database system (PHP, MySQL, JavaScript)
  • Specifying, communicating and helping to delever a database system with DIAL GmbH
CERNSummer Internship
6/2014 - 8/2014Geneva, CH

10 weeks of morning physics and computing lectures, afternoon work optimising the CMS experiment software and networking evenings with the brightest students from around the world.

  • Creating an automated system to profile DQM workflows. The profiling results were available in an automatically generated website (IgProf, Valgrind, Bash).
  • Profiling and optimising the Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) Software of the CMS experiment (C++).
  • Proposing a set of good practices to be followed by non-IT contributors.


b4HCo-founder, Technologist
11/2017 - present Gibraltar, GI

Aspire to drive the adoption of Blockchain technologies by advocating, connecting the dots, and scaling innovative concepts that aim to address gaps in society and protect the environment.

  • Providing mentoring to blockchain projects
  • Helping to collect projects and prepare yearly Blockchain for Humanity Awards
5/2018 - present Prague, CZ

Inspiring entrepreneurialism in high school students

  • Leading seminars in high schools to answer questions and pass experience gained from being enterpreneur
GivethCo-founder, Product Owner
1/2017 - 1/2019World, Earth

Leading development of the Giveth Decentralised Application which uses Ethereum blockchain to bring transparency and accountability to charitable giving.

  • Writing first frontend and backend for PoC
  • Leading team of 3 developers and a number of contributors
  • Setting up development and deployment processes, reviewing PRs, managing Github
  • Keeping the organisation's budget, applying for grants and financing
  • Representing Giveth in conferences
THE PortCoach, Web Developer
10/2015 - 12/2017Geneva, CH

Volunteer organizing humanitarian hackathons which aims to solve current humanitarian and human rights problem with technology.

  • Coaching multicultural teams of 8-15 members in the preparation phase, during the hackathon and after the event with aim to create commercial solution.
  • Developing new website with DB system to automate content creation (Wordpress, MySQL).
Tvůj TáborOrganiser, Camp leader
1/2008 - 1/2015Brno, CZ

Volunteer organizing summer camps for children.

  • Communication with authorities, parents and camp leaders
  • Guiding children aged 6-15 during 2 weeks period

Other Experience

2/2019 - 2/2019Denver, CO
LEDGERExternal Technical Evaluator
4/2019 - 5/2019Warsaw, PL
2/2019 - 2/2019Denver, CO
10/2018 - 10/2018Prague, CZ
6/2018 - 5/2019Bratislava, SK

Public Speaking

RIF Expert Panel
25.8.2020online, CZ
Panel: The State of Decentralized Storage
11 - 15.5.2020NYC, US
Presentation: RSK Infrastructure Framework (RIF) the building blocks of a truly decentralized Internet
Presentation: Decentralised storage and communication
12 - 13.12.2019Montevideo, UY
Panel: Decentralized storage vs cloud storage
Presentation: RSK/RIF technology stack intro
Demo: RSK/RIF stack hands on
Presentation: Blockchain for Humanity Awards 2019
8 - 11.10.2019Osaka, JP
Presentation: Distributed storage meets incentivization on Swarm
Workshop: Swarm for Node Operators - Run an incentivised Swarm node
Panel: Swarm Open Panel
Crypto Fest
7.9.2019Cape Town, ZA
Panel: Blockchain for Social Good
Decentralised Storage Summit
23.8.2019Berlin, DE
Presentation: RIF Storage
5.7.2019Odesa, UA
Panel: Lightning Network
NON central CONF
22 - 24.6.2019Leon, ES
Presentation: Humanitarian Applications of Decentralised Storage
UNCHAIN Convention 2019
14 - 15.6.2019Berlin, DE
Presentation: From RSK to the Internet of Value
Presentation: Blockchain for Humanity
Panel: Block to block towards 2030
Panel: Panel Discussion: Mass adoption: reality or myth?
Presentation: Lessons learned from building Giveth DApp
5 - 8.12.2018Santiago, CL
Presentation: Blockchain for Humanity Awards 2018
Revision Summit
19 - 20.11.2018Berlin, DE
Panel: Digital innovation and DLT4Good: Opportunities and challenges for civil society
Blockchain for Good workshop
31.10.2018Prague, CZ
Panel: Experience of building and funding dApps
DApps Adoption
30.6.2018Prague, CZ
Presentation: Giveth and Scaling Challenges
NON central CONF
22 - 24.6.2018Leon, ES
Presentation: Giveth DApp
Panel: Humanitarian use of Blockchain
3 - 5.5.2018Toronto, CA
Demo: Giveth DApp
Innovators Forum 2018
27 - 28.2.2018Berlin, DE
Presentation: Giveth
Panel: Blockchain for fundraising
Humanitarian Blockchain Summit
10.11.2017New York City, US
Panel: Startups and Blockchain for Purpose
Blockchain for United Nations
9.11.2017New York City, US
Presentation: Humanitarian Use of Blockchain


b4H AppHumanitarian project

An open-source database system to transparently track donations and the use of the money.

Giveth DAppHumanitarian project

An open-source Ethereum based system to transform the incentive structures around donations. It is a collection of a modular smart contracts that can be used to connect donors and recipients.

Chain SafeHumanitarian project

Open and integrated platform for medical product monitoring that collect and share the information needed to detect fraud, reduce costs, and save lives.

Blind Navigation Humanitarian project

Outdoor navigation system for people with visual imparement using open data and custommade belt to indicate directions through vibrations.

Articles & Publications

Blog Posts

RIF Storage: The First Chunks [EN]

Have you ever wondered how decentralised storage works? In this article we are, on a very high level, explaining what happens when users try to upload their data to or download them from such solution.

RIF Storage: A Decentralized Storage Solution [EN]

In this article we are exploring the motivation for using a decentralised storage and the vision of RIF Storage.

Tackling Ethereum scalability issues [EN]

Technical article describing the difficulties encountered when trying to launch DApp on the Ethereum blockchain and what are the possible solutions to this problem.


3D Reconstruction of Historic Landmarks from Flickr Pictures [EN]
9/2015Brno, CZ

The thesis describes an application which aims to reconstruct a 3D model given a set of 2D images also called bundle adjustment. The thesis discusses the 3D reconstruction pipeline and elaborates on each step. It also presents results of our implementation up to a pose estimation and sparse point cloud.

Multi-Agent Strategy Game over Ants [EN]
6/2013Brno, CZ

The thesis describes challenges in design and development of a multi-agent real-time strategy game. The resulting game implements, apart from features and game control which can be found in nowadays RTS games, three different levels of artificial intelligence in which each unit is an agent.

Electro-Magnetically Tuneable Filter [EN] [CZ]
3/2007Opava, CZ

The objective of the essay was to design a simple filter based on properties of photonic structures tuneable by electromagnet. Compared to temperature-tuned filter, filter tuned by electric field has several advantages like speed of tuning or transmittance.